2004년 4월 해외 음반 차트 > 뉴스및공지

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2004년 4월 해외 음반 차트 > 뉴스및공지

2004년 4월 해외 음반 차트

페이지 정보

작성자 인피니스 댓글 0건 조회 33,823회 작성일 04-03-25 14:31


1. Casting Crowns - Casting Crowns, Beach Street (Provident) buy.gif

2. Carried Me: The Worship Project - Jeremy Camp, BEC (EMI CMG)

3. WoW Hits 2004 - various, Sparrow (EMI CMG)buy.gif

4. WoW Gospel 2004 - various, EMI/Word/Verity (Provident)buy.gif

5. Here I Am to Worship, Vol. 1 - various, Worship Together (EMI CMG)

6. Almost There - MercyMe, INO (Word)buy.gif

7. The Passion of the Christ soundtrack - Integrity (Word)

8. Absolute Worship - various, Fervent (Provident)

9. Stacie Orrico - Stacie Orrico, ForeFront (EMI CMG)

10. The Beautiful Letdown - Switchfoot, Sparrow (EMI CMG)buy.gif

11. Stay - Jeremy Camp, BEC (EMI CMG)

12. Sea of Faces - Kutless, BEC (EMI CMG)

13. Love, Peace & Happiness - Out of Eden, Gotee (EMI CMG)

14. The Creed - Avalon, Sparrow (EMI CMG)buy.gif

15. All About Love - Steven Curtis Chapman, Sparrow (EMI CMG)buy.gif

16. Offerings II: All I Have to Give - Third Day, Essential (Provident)buy.gif

17. WoW Worship (Yellow) - various, EMI CMG/Word/Reunion (Provident)buy.gif

18. Throne Room - CeCe Winans, Wellspring/INO/Epic (Word)buy.gif

19. The Second Decade - Michael W. Smith, Reunion (Provident)buy.gif

20. Worship & Faith - Randy Travis, Word/Curb/Warner (Word)

21. Illuminate - The David Crowder Band, sixsteps (EMI CMG)buy.gif

22. Passion: Hymns Ancient & Modern - Passion, sixsteps (Chordant)buy.gif

23. In the Name of Love - various, Sparrow (EMI CMG)

24. Run the Earth, Watch the Sky - Chris Rice, Rocketown (Provident)

25. Who We Are Instead - Jars of Clay, Essential (Provident)buy.gif

26. World Service - Delirious?, Furious?/Sparrow (EMI CMG)buy.gif

27. Adoration - Newsboys, Sparrow (EMI CMG)buy.gif

28. We Will Stand - Bill & Gloria Gaither, Gaither (EMI CMG)

29. Offering of Worship - Paul Baloche, Hosanna!/Integrity (Word)

30. The Best Is Yet to Come - Martha Munizzi, Martha Munizzi

This list is based on Nielsen SoundScan reports collected from Christian outlets during February. Copyright ©2004 by CBA Marketplace and Nielsen SoundScan (a division of VNU Marketing Information) and Christian Music Trade Association. All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission.
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등록된 댓글이 없습니다.


  • Matt Redman
  • Ron Kenoly
  • Kari Jobe
  • Ken Reynolds
  • Martin Smith
  • Darlene Zshech
  • Motown Gospel
  • Avalon



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